free42 Programming Tools

Author: Mitch Richling
Updated: 2024-11-21 16:49:22

Copyright 2024 Mitch Richling. All rights reserved.

Table of Contents

1. Metadata

The home for this HTML file is: https://richmit.github.io/hp42/hp42s-meta.html

Files related to this document may be found on github: https://github.com/richmit/hp42

Directory contents:

src - The org-mode file that generated this HTML document
src_42s - Ready to convert source listings for 42s code in this document
docs - This html document and associated PDF
bin - Importable RAW program files

2. Introduction

This org-mode document contains various tools (mostly for Emacs) that help me write programs for the 42s:

  • Elisp function to generate 42s menu programs
  • A tool to insert free42 utf-8 characters given a list of character numbers
  • Elisp function to generate custom menus (menus of built-in functions and global labels)
  • yasnippet templates to help type code
  • ElISP Code to translate my code listings into code for free42 & MD42
  • 42s notes
    • free42 utf-8 characters with character numbers

3.1. Generic menu generator

This code will read an org-mode table describing a menu, and generate 42s code to implement the menu. The only limitation on menu depth and size are the number of available two digit labels.

Line Menu alpha strings Menu targets Some Data Some More Data
1 foo:bar:foobar   marry red
2 foo:bar:LBL 77 LBL 87 had a blue
3 foo:bar:LBL 78 fooboo little yellow
4 foo:bar:LBL 78   lamb green

One column of the table is used to define the menu alpha strings. The table above provides an example. The string foo:bar:foobar (table line 1) defines a top level button named foo that leads to a menu containing another menu named bar which contains an action key named foobar. The final component, foobar in this example, is used for the alpha string for the menu key. It is used as-is with one exception. That exception occurs when the final component looks like "LBL NN" where NN is a two digit number (table line 2). In this case the local label will be XEQ'ed just before the call to KEY. This allows the key's alpha string to be dynamically generated by a subroutine at run time. If this subroutine returns RETNO then the menu key's KEY command will be skipped. In this way one can dynamically decide if a menu key should be active or not. If the key string is "" (empty) or "▒▒▒▒", then a blank key will be placed in the menu.

Now that we know how the menu key strings are constructed, what about the GTO/XEQ target for the generated KEY commands? The following rules are applied with the first one matching being used:

gen-target-label target-column Menu Key Menu Target The XEQ/GTO Target
nil nil "LBL NN" N/A Auto-generated
nil nil N/A N/A Menu key string
nil non-nil "LBL NN" "" (empty) Auto-generated
nil non-nil N/A "" (empty) Menu key string
nil non-nil N/A "LBL NN" NN
nil non-nil N/A N/A Menu target
non-nil N/A N/A N/A See next table

When gen-target-label is non-nil, the return value of the function determines the target. If the return is nil, then the label is auto-generated. Otherwise the returned string is used. Note the returned string must contain embedded quotes if it is a global label target.

In general this might be summarized as follows: When gen-target-label is non-nil, the target is determined by the gen-target-label function. When gen-target-label is nil, then the menu target column is used unless it is empty, and then the menu key is used.

When a local label is generated, the subroutine for that label will also be generated. The content of that subroutine can be provided by calling the a user provided function via the gen-target-code argument. This allows the entire program to be generated from the contents of the table my constants & units programs are good examples. Note that if all the lables are generated, then the resulting program is ended with an END instruction.

Note the Unicode point 166 (the "¦" character) is automatically converted to the pipe character ("|"). This lets you include the 42s pipe symbol in org-mode tables.

MJR-generate-42-menu-code arguments:

The global label to use for the generated program
Beginning for a range of local numeric labels that will be used for the program
The org-mode table with the menu description
The column with the menu alpha strings
What to do when [EXIT] is pressed.
  • 'exit: Exit the application
  • 'up: Return to parent menu or exit if no parent
What do do when a action menu is used (a leaf node in the menu)
  • 'stay: Keep the menu active
  • 'exit: Exit the menu
Include final END statement
  • 'yes: Create final END statement
  • 'exit: Do not create final END statement
  • 'auto: Create final END statement if all menu target labels were generated
nil means no target column.
A function that generates the label for the KEY commands GTO=/=XEQ. Return nil for autogen.
  • Arguments: autoish-target, list of row data
  • autoish-target is essentially the target that would have been used if gen-target-label were nil. Local labels look like "LBL NN" and global ones look like "FOO".
A function that generates the code for the action. It gets a list that contains the table row for the menu item.
  • Arguments: autoish-target, menu target label, list of row data
(defun MJR-generate-42-menu-code (top-lab 
  (let* ((no-local 't)
         (min-free-lab (+ numeric-lbl-start 2))
         (m-code "")
         (x-code ""))
    (cl-labels ((add-m-code (a) (setq m-code (concat m-code a "\n")))
                (add-x-code (a) (setq x-code (concat x-code a "\n")))
                (prc-mnu (menu)
                         (if (or (not (listp menu))
                                 (null (cdr menu)))
                             (mapcar #'prc-mnu
                                     (append (list (car menu))
                                               (lambda (result cur-elt)
                                                 (let ((last-elt (cl-first result)))
                                                   (if (and (listp last-elt)
                                                            (cdr last-elt)
                                                            (cdr cur-elt)
                                                            (string-equal (cl-first last-elt) (cl-first cur-elt)))
                                                       (progn (nconc (cl-first result) (list (cdr cur-elt)))
                                                       (if (cdr cur-elt)
                                                           (append (list (list (cl-first cur-elt) (cdr cur-elt)))
                                                           (append (list (cl-first cur-elt))  result)))))
                                               (cdr menu)
                                               :initial-value ()))))))
                (gen-mnu (parent-lbl lbl menu)
                         (let* ((num-menu-keys (1- (length menu)))
                                (num-menu-page (ceiling (/ num-menu-keys 6.0)))
                                (page-labs     (cl-loop repeat num-menu-page
                                                        for i = lbl then min-free-lab
                                                        collect i
                                                        when (not (= i lbl))
                                                        do (cl-incf min-free-lab)))
                                (rec-key-labs     nil)
                                (rec-pag-labs     nil))
                           (if (= parent-lbl numeric-lbl-start)
                               (add-m-code (format "LBL \"%s\"" (cl-first menu))))
                           (cl-loop for mkey-elt in (cdr menu)
                                    for mkey-num from 0
                                    for page-num = (truncate (/ mkey-num 6))
                                    for page-key = (mod mkey-num 6)
                                    for mkey-str = (if (vectorp mkey-elt) (aref mkey-elt 0) (cl-first mkey-elt))
                                    for is-leaf  = (vectorp mkey-elt)
                                    for auto-trg = (and is-leaf 
                                                        (or (if target-column 
                                                                (let ((tmp (nth target-column (aref mkey-elt 1))))
                                                                  (if (not (string-empty-p tmp))
                                                            (if (not (string-match-p "^LBL [0-9][0-9]$" mkey-str))
                                    for mkey-trg = (and is-leaf
                                                        (if gen-target-label
                                                            (funcall gen-target-label auto-trg (aref mkey-elt 1))
                                                            (and (not (string-empty-p auto-trg))
                                                                 (if (string-match-p "^LBL [0-9][0-9]$" auto-trg)
                                                                     (substring auto-trg 4)
                                                                     (format "\"%s\"" auto-trg)))))
                                    ;;do (print (format "mkey-str: %s    auto-trg: %s    mkey-trg: %s" mkey-str auto-trg mkey-trg))
                                    when (= page-key 0)
                                    do (progn (add-m-code (format "LBL %02d            @@@@ Page %d of menu %s"
                                                                   (nth page-num page-labs)
                                                                   (1+ page-num)
                                                                   (cl-first menu)))
                                              (add-m-code "CLMENU"))
                                    when (not (or (string-empty-p mkey-str) (string-equal mkey-str "▒▒▒▒")))
                                    do (progn (if (string-match-p "^LBL [0-9][0-9]$" mkey-str)
                                                  (progn (add-m-code (format "XEQ %s" (substring mkey-str 4)))
                                                         (setq no-local nil))
                                                  (add-m-code (format "\"%s\"" mkey-str)))
                                              (if (or (not is-leaf) (not mkey-trg))
                                                  (add-m-code (format "KEY %d %s %02d" 
                                                                       (1+ page-key) 
                                                                       (if is-leaf "XEQ" "GTO") 
                                                    (add-m-code (format "KEY %d XEQ %s" (1+ page-key) mkey-trg))
                                                    (setq no-local nil)))
                                              (if (and (not mkey-trg) is-leaf)
                                                  (progn (add-x-code (format 
                                                                      "LBL %02d    @@@@ Action for menu key %s" 
                                                         (if gen-target-code 
                                                             (add-x-code (funcall gen-target-code
                                                                                  (aref mkey-elt 1)))
                                                             (add-x-code (format "@@@@ TODO: Code for %s!" 
                                                         (add-x-code "RTN")))
                                              (push min-free-lab rec-key-labs)
                                              (if (not mkey-trg)
                                                  (cl-incf min-free-lab))
                                              (push (nth page-num page-labs) rec-pag-labs))
                                    when (or (= page-key 5) (= mkey-num (1- num-menu-keys)))
                                    do (progn (if (< 1 num-menu-page)
                                                  (progn (add-m-code (format "KEY 7 GTO %02d" 
                                                                              (nth (mod (1- page-num) 
                                                         (add-m-code (format "KEY 8 GTO %02d"
                                                                              (nth (mod (1+ page-num) 
                                              (if (string-equal menu-exit-behavior "up")
                                                  (add-m-code (format "KEY 9 GTO %02d" parent-lbl))
                                                  (add-m-code (format "KEY 9 GTO %02d" 0)))
                                              (add-m-code "MENU")
                                              (add-m-code "STOP")
                                              (if (string-equal after-leaf-action "stay")
                                                  (add-m-code (format "GTO %02d" (nth page-num page-labs)))
                                                  (add-m-code (format "GTO %02d" 0)))))
                           (cl-loop for mkey-elt in (cdr menu)
                                    for m-lab in (reverse rec-key-labs)
                                    for p-lab in (reverse rec-pag-labs)
                                    when (listp mkey-elt)
                                    do (gen-mnu p-lab m-lab mkey-elt)))))
      (gen-mnu numeric-lbl-start 
               (1+ numeric-lbl-start)
               (prc-mnu (append (list top-lab) (cl-loop for row in tbl
                                                        for row-strs = (mapcar (lambda (x) (replace-regexp-in-string "¦" "|" (format "%s" x)  't 't)) 
                                                        for n from 0
                                                        for menu-parts = (split-string 
                                                                          (nth menu-alpha-column row-strs) 
                                                        do (setf (car (last menu-parts))
                                                                 (vector (car (last menu-parts)) row-strs))
                                                        collect menu-parts))))
      (add-m-code (format "LBL %02d @@@@ Application Exit" numeric-lbl-start))
      (add-m-code "EXITALL")
      (add-m-code "RTN") 
      (if (< 100 min-free-lab)
          (error "ERROR: Too many local labels: %d" min-free-lab)))
    (princ (format "%s (ref:%s)\n" (make-string 80 ?@)  top-lab))
    (princ (format "@@@@ DSC: Auto-generated menu program\n"))
    (princ m-code)
    (princ x-code)
    (princ (format "@@@@ Free labels start at: %d\n" min-free-lab))
    (if (or (string-equal include-end "yes") (and (string-equal include-end "auto") no-local))
        (princ "END"))))

3.2. For CUSTOM-type Menus

These functions are useful for CUSTOM-type menus – that is menus that call other programs or built in functions. I use this as a way to add hierarchy to the built in CUSTOM menu. Example:

Menu Prog
log LOG

In the first line "LN" is the menu name and function called. In the second line "log" is the menu name, and "LOG" is the function called. In the third line "MYPROG" is the name of a program – the code below figures out if a thing is a built in function or a program and uses XEQ for programs. Note that I may have missed a built in function, so you may have to add one to the list. ;)

If the menu is of the for "LBL NN", then it will be XEQ'ed to get the menu label. If the prog is of the form "LBL NN", then it will be XEQ'ed directly. If any menu or prog is a label, then an END will not be generated at the end of the listing – this allows one to put the local subroutines later in the org-mode file and the whole thing will then be tangled together into one program.

(defun MJR-is-42-builtin (astring) (cl-position astring 
                                                '("%" "%CH" "+" "+/-" "-" "1/X" "10↑X" "ABS" "ACOS" "ACOSH" "ADV" "AGRAPH" "AIP" "ALENG" "ALL" "ALLΣ" "AND" "AOFF" "AON"
                                                  "ARCL" "AROT" "ASHF" "ASIN" "ASINH" "ASSIGN" "ASTO" "ATAN" "ATANH" "ATOX" "AVIEW" "BASE+" "BASE+/-" "BASE-" "BASE×"
                                                  "BASE÷" "BEEP" "BEST" "BINM" "BIT?"  "BIT?"  "CF" "CLA" "CLD" "CLKEYS" "CLLCD" "CLMENU" "CLP" "CLRG" "CLST" "CLV"
                                                  "CLX" "CLΣ" "COMB" "COMPLEX" "CORR" "COS" "COSH" "CPX?"  "CPXRES" "CROSS" "CUSTOM" "DECM" "DEG" "DELAY" "DELR"
                                                  "DET" "DIM" "DIM?"  "DOT" "DSE" "EDIT" "EDITN" "END" "ENG" "ENTER" "EXITALL" "EXPF" "E↑X" "E↑X-1" "FC?"  "FC?C"
                                                  "FCSTX" "FCSTY" "FIX" "FNRM" "FP" "FS?"  "FS?C" "FUNC" "GAMMA" "GETKEY" "GETM" "GRAD" "GROW" "GTO" "HEXM" "HMS+"
                                                  "HMS-" "I+" "I-" "INDEX" "INPUT" "INSR" "INTEG" "INVRT" "IP" "ISG" "J+" "J-" "KEY" "KEYASN" "L4STK" "LASTX" "LBL"
                                                  "LCLBL" "LINF" "LINΣ" "LN" "LN1+X" "LOG" "LOGF" "LSTO" "MAN" "MAT?"  "MEAN" "MENU" "MOD" "MVAR" "N!"  "NEWMAT"
                                                  "NOP" "NORM" "NOT" "OCTM" "OFF" "OLD" "ON" "OR" "PERM" "PGMINT" "PGMSLV" "PIXEL" "POLAR" "POSA" "PRA" "PRLCD"
                                                  "PROFF" "PROMPT" "PRON" "PRSTK" "PRUSR" "PRV" "PRX" "PRΣ" "PSE" "PUTM" "PWRF" "R<>R" "RAD" "RAN" "RCL" "RCL+"
                                                  "RCL-" "RCLEL" "RCLIJ" "RCL×" "RCL÷" "RDX," "RDX."  "REAL?"  "REALRES" "RECT" "RND" "RNRM" "ROTXY" "RSUM" "RTN"
                                                  "RTNERR" "RTNYES" "RTNNO" "R↑" "R↓" "SCI" "SDEV" "SEED" "SF" "SIGN" "SIN" "SINH" "SIZE" "SLOPE" "SOLVE" "SQRT"
                                                  "STO" "STO+" "STO-" "STOEL" "STOIJ" "STOP" "STO×" "STO÷" "STR?"  "SUM" "TAN" "TANH" "TONE" "TRACE" "TRANS" "UVEC"
                                                  "VARMENU" "VIEW" "WMEAN" "WRAP" "WSIZE?"  "X<0?"  "X<>" "X<>Y" "X<Y?"  "X=0?"  "X=Y?"  "X>0?"  "X>Y?"  "XEQ" "XTOA"
                                                  "X↑2" "X≠0?"  "X≠Y?"  "X≤0?"  "X≤Y?"  "X≥0?"  "X≥Y?"  "X≥Y?"  "YINT" "Y↑X" "[FIND]" "[MAX]" "[MIN]" "×" "÷" "Σ+"
                                                  "Σ-" "ΣREG" "ΣREG?"  "←" "↑" "→" "→DEC" "→DEG" "→HMS" "→HR" "→OCT" "→POL" "→RAD" "→REC" "↓" "DDAYS" "DOW" "CLK12"
                                                  "CLK24" "DMY" "MDY" "YMD" "DATE" "TIME" "DATE+" "PI" "WSIZE" "BSIGNED" "BWRAP" "XOR")
                                                :test #'string-equal))

(defun MJR-custom-gen-lab (atrg row) (if (not (MJR-is-42-builtin atrg))
                                         (if (string-match-p "^LBL [0-9][0-9]$" atrg)
                                             (substring auto-trg 4)
                                             (message "\"%s\"" atrg))))

(defun MJR-custom-gen-sub (atrg target row) (message "%s" atrg))

3.3. Always generate local lables

This function is handy when you want to always generate local labels.

(defun MJR-local-only-gen-lab (atrg row) nil)

4. Emacs Helper Stuff

The elisp file hp42s-mode.el provides few things:

  • A language mode for free42 code – mostly just provides syntax highlighting
  • MJR-ins42char: Lisp function to insert characters given a list of character codes
  • MJR-dired-org-export: Lisp function to export to HTML and tangle all marked files in a dired buffer
  • MJR-process-buffer-as-42s-code: Lisp function to process all free42 code in a buffer for pasting into free42
  • MJR-target-free42-version: Variable used by MJR-process-buffer-as-42s-code & MJR-copy-42s-code-in-region to control version of free42
  • MJR-copy-42s-code-in-region: Lisp function that process marked region for pasting into free42 and puts the test on the kill ring – like MJR-process-buffer-as-42s-code but for a region.

To activate the functionality, simply load the hp42s-mode.el file into emacs. You can evaluate teh folloing block to do that:

(load-file "../emacs/hp42s-mode.el")

4.1. Prepare Code For Conversion

I include comments like @@## that I use like compiler directives in C. They provide a way to remove lines of code that are incompatible or unnecessary for the target version of free42. It's a bit of a hack, but it lets me maintain one program for diff-rent versions of free42. When I "tangle" an org-mode buffer, the code is automatically filtered for the selected version of free42 (set via MJR-target-free42-version).

DM42 Version Target Free42
DMCP 3.22 / DM42 v3.20 3.0.5
DMCP 3.21 / DM42 v3.18 3.0.2
DMCP-3.20 / DM42-3.17 2.5.20
DMCP-3.20 / DM42-3.16 2.5.20
DMCP 3.18 / DM42 v3.15 2.5.16

4.2. Automatically processing tangled code

By adding MJR-process-buffer-as-42s-code to the org-babel-post-tangle-hook, you can automatically process tangled code. You can do that by evaluating the next block:

(add-hook 'org-babel-post-tangle-hook 'MJR-process-buffer-as-42s-code)

A handy way to tangle a file, or files in dired, is the MJR-org-export-der in my .emacs file.

4.3. Tangle & Load Tangled File

(defun MJR-tangle-and-load ()
  "Tangles current file and attempts to load the tangled file.
The tangled file is determiend by looking backward for a :tangle argument."
  (save-excursion (org-babel-tangle)
                  (if (re-search-backward ":tangle[[:blank:]]+\\([^[:blank:]]+.hp42s\\)$" nil t)
                      (let ((file-name (match-string 1)))
                        (if (or (string-equal "yes" file-name) (string-equal "no" file-name))
                            (message "No explicit tangle file specified")
                            (find-file file-name))))))

4.4. yas templates

echo ''
for f in ~/core/yasnippet/hp42s-mode/*; do cat $f; echo ''; done

5. free42 Notes

5.1. Character Set

  0 ÷
  1 ×
  2 √
  3 ∫
  4 ▒
  5 Σ
  6 ▸
  7 π
  8 ¿
  9 ≤
 10 [LF]
 11 ≥
 12 ≠
 13 ↵
 14 ↓
 15 →
 16 ←
 17 μ
 18 £
 19 °
 20 Å
 21 Ñ
 22 Ä
 23 ∡
 24 ᴇ
 25 Æ
 26 …
 27 [ESC]
 28 Ö
 29 Ü
 30 ▒
 31 •
 32 [SPACE]
 33 !
 34 "
 35 #
 36 $
 37 %
 38 &
 39 '
 40 (
 41 )
 42 *
 43 +
 44 ,
 45 -
 46 .
 47 /
 48 0
 49 1
 50 2
 51 3
 52 4
 53 5
 54 6
 55 7
 56 8
 57 9
 58 :
 59 ;
 60 <
 61 =
 62 >
 63 ?
 64 @
 65 A
 66 B
 67 C
 68 D
 69 E
 70 F
 71 G
 72 H
 73 I
 74 J
 75 K
 76 L
 77 M
 78 N
 79 O
 80 P
 81 Q
 82 R
 83 S
 84 T
 85 U
 86 V
 87 W
 88 X
 89 Y
 90 Z
 91 [
 92 \
 93 ]
 94 ↑
 95 _
 96 `
 97 a
 98 b
 99 c
100 d
101 e
102 f
103 g
104 h
105 i
106 j
107 k
108 l
109 m
110 n
111 o
112 p
113 q
114 r
115 s
116 t
117 u
118 v
119 w
120 x
121 y
122 z
123 {
124 |
125 }
126 ~
127 ├
128 :
129 ʏ

5.2. Date format

Flag 67 Flag 31 Mode
Set N/A Y.MD
Clear Clear M.DY
Clear Set D.MY

5.3. Stats registers

Register Contents
ΣREG? + 0 Σx
ΣREG? + 1 Σx^2
ΣREG? + 2 Σy
ΣREG? + 3 Σy^2
ΣREG? + 4 Σxy
ΣREG? + 5 n
ΣREG? + 6 Σlnx
ΣREG? + 7 Σ(lnx)^2
ΣREG? + 8 Σlny
ΣREG? + 9 Σ(lny)^2
ΣREG? + 10 Σlnxlny
ΣREG? + 11 Σxlny
ΣREG? + 12 Σylnx

6. DM 42 Notes

6.1. Display

GrMod is a read write variable.

  • 0 = standard HP-42S resolution 131x16
  • 2 = DM42 full resolution 200x120
  • 3 = DM42 full resolution 400x240

ResX & ResY are read only variables that have the display resolution

7. EOF