Instrument Control Software

Author: Mitch Richling
Updated: 2023-04-07 21:13:10
Generated: 2023-04-07 21:14:59

Copyright 2023 Mitch Richling. All rights reserved.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

From the README:

mrSCPI is a software tool for controlling programmable test equipment; however, I think of mrSCPI as more of a test bench productivity tool.

From a software/hardware architectural perspective, programmable test equipment is designed in such a way so as to make very complex test automation possible. Systems designed from the ground up to support very complex use cases frequently overly complicate things for people with simple use cases. Larry Wall captured the phenomenon quite clearly when he said:

Perl makes easy things easy and hard things possible. 
Professional programming languages tend to make all things equally difficult.

mrSCPI aims to make it possible to easily integrate test equipment automation into my day to day bench workflow. The goal is to make it so easy that I use it even for the hundreds of tiny, repetitive tasks I preform at the bench.

If you are wondering if mrSCPI is for you, that emphasized "my" is a warning! mrSCPI is very much designed around my personal workflow and tool preferences. I very much like command line tools with UNIX'ish interfaces. If this sounds like you, then mrSCPI might be for you. OTOH, if you were looking for a nice GUI to control your equipment, then you will most likely be quite disappointed with mrSCPI.

Lastly, mrSCPI is simple to set-up so I can run it anyplace. It has no dependencies beyond a standard Ruby install. No drivers. No modules. No packages. No PIPs. No GEMs. Nothing to compile. Just a single script – yes, the library and the executable are the same file!


2. Interfaces

The mrSCPI ecosystem provides three distinct ways to control SCPI instruments:

Ruby API
For complex test automation requiring a real programming language. This stateful API is unlike most test automation APIs and naturally compliments the way many SCPI tasks are preformed … Or at least the way I tend to use SCPI. ;)
require_relative 'mrSCPIlib'
SCPIsession.new(:url => '@tek2k',
                :cmd => '*IDN?')
mrSCPI.rb command
A CLI command providing sophisticated SCPI functionality from the command line – much like lxi-tool.
mrSCPI.rb --url @tek2k --cmd '*IDN?'
mrSCPI Scripts
An efficient scripting language for simple SCPI tasks. Full Emacs org-mode Babel support is included enabling instrument control right from your laboratory notebook!
:url @tek2k
:cmd *IDN?

All of these methods use the same underlying infrastructure, and mirror each other in the way they work. So if you learn how to use one of them, you have learned how to use them all.

3. Emacs as a mrSCPI Interface

mrSCPI really has nothing to do with Emacs; however, as an enthusiastic Emacs user, I wanted to be able to use mrSCPI from inside Emacs! To that end I have developed a bit of Emacs software to seamlessly integrate mrSCPI into Emacs. For me, because Emacs plays a central role in my workflow, this is one of the most important aspects of mrSCPI – 90% of my mrSCPI use is from within Emacs. This section provides some insight into my workflow. If you are not interested in Emacs, then you can safely skip this section.

3.1. The Laboratory Notebook

I always have my laboratory notebook open at the bench – just an org-mode document loaded up in Emacs running on my bench computer. I have implemented a major mode for mrSCPI scripts as well as org-mode Babel support. This allows me to embed SCPI commands right inside my notes making those notes EXECUTABLE. Here is an example excerpt from one of my notebooks:

To make this sort of thing effortless, I have a few scripts that capture instrument configuration details and insert them into my org-mode notebook. Then, when I come back to my experiment some time later, I can have org-mode reconfigure all the equipment on my bench to where I left off.

3.2. Test Equipment Notes & Macro Buttons

I keep general test equipment notes in a couple org-mode files. Of cource I include in my notes littel bits of mrSCPI script code for common things I do with my test equipment. I could simply put my cursor on those code bits in org-mode and execute them, but I wanted a quicker way to access these code snippits. So I added an Emacs function that finds all the mrSCPI code bits in an org-mode document, and produces a GUI window full of buttons to run them. This has proven to be super handy, and saves me a ton of time at the bench. Here is an example of one of my button buffers:

3.3. Integrated Data Capture and Analysis

org-mode allows us to integrate live code and results from different tools together into a single document. In this example we integrate code & results from mrSCPI, Octave/Matlab, Bourne shell, and Paraview in one document:

3.4. Setting Up Emacs

I put the mrSCPI stuff in my Emacs dot file directory. Of course it doesn't need to be in the dot file directory. That's just where I put it. If you have some other organizational structure for your auxiliary Emacs files, then feel free to use it!

3.4.1. Editing mrSCPI Code: mrscpi-mode

A simple mode for mrSCPI scripts is provided in emacs/mrscpi-mode.el. This should be before your org-mode config.

(if (file-exists-p "~/.emacs.d/mrscpi-mode.el")
    (progn (autoload 'mrscpi-mode "~/.emacs.d/mrscpi-mode.el" "Mode for mrSCPI files")
           (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.mrscpi$" . mrscpi-mode))))

3.4.2. org-mode Babel Support: ob-mrscpi.el & mrscpi-buttons.el

A language module for org-mode Babel may be found in emacs/ob-mrscpi.el. The magical button maker may be found in emacs/mrscpi-buttons.el – you don't need this one for just basic org-mode support. I load these things up at the very end of the org-mode setup block in my init.el file:

(if (and (file-exists-p "~/.emacs.d/ob-mrscpi.el") (file-exists-p "~/bin/mrSCPI.rb"))
    (load "~/.emacs.d/ob-mrscpi.el"))
(if (and (file-exists-p "~/.emacs.d/mrscpi-buttons.el") (file-exists-p "~/bin/mrSCPI.rb"))
    (load "~/.emacs.d/mrscpi-buttons.el"))

4. Ruby API

4.1. API Structure & Philosophy

In essence any SCPI program is about managing a communication session state between computer and instrument. The heart of mrSCPI is the SCPIsession class encapsulates and manages session state. Session state is represented by named parameters (key-value pairs). For example the parameter :ip_address stores the IP address for the connection. As another example, the :print_results parameter stores a boolean value that determines if the results from SCPI commands will be printed. A few parameters, like :ip_address, may only be set when the SCPIsession is created. Other parameters, like :print_results may be freely changed at any time. Parameters are sticky in that they stay in effect until changed. Using the API always follows the same basic outline:

  1. Create an SCPIsession object (The :url, :ip_address, :net_protocol, and :net_port parameters are used by new)
  2. Set parameters regarding how you want to run SCPI commands
  3. Set the :cmd parameter to execute an SCPI command
  4. Go back to 2) till everything is done

See the documentation for the SCPIsession class for information about all the parameters.

4.2. Example

In the following example, we pull a PNG screenshot from a Rigol DHO2000/4000 series oscilloscope.

if ARGV[0] then
  puts("This script will pull a PNG screenshot from a Rigol DHO2000/4000 series oscilloscope.")
  puts("The screenshot file looks like DATESTAMP_DHO.png")

require ENV['PATH'].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).map {|x| File.join(x, 'mrSCPI.rb')}.find {|x| FileTest.exist?(x)}

imgFileName = "#{Time.now.localtime.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')}_DHO.png"
theSPCIsession = SCPIsession.new(:url                => '@dho4k',
                                 :result_macro_block => true,
                                 :print_result       => true,
                                 :out_file           => imgFileName,
                                 :cmd                => ':DISPlay:DATA? PNG'
puts("screenshot_dho4k.rb: Screen image captured to: #{imgFileName}")

All the magic is in the SCPIsession.new call:

  • First we tell it where to connect with :url
  • Next we tell mrSCPI that we expect to get a IEEE 488.2 binary block, and that we want mrSCPI to extract that block.
  • With the next two lines we tell mrSCPI to print the result into a file
  • Lastly we tell it the command to use.

5. mrSCPI Scripts

Even if you only want to know about scripts, I encourage you to read the section on Ruby API Structure & Philosophy. To begin, here is a mrSCPI script version of the Ruby script given in that section:

#!/usr/bin/env mrSCPI.rb

:url @dho4k                                                                # Connect to my DHO4k
:eval imgFileName=Time.now.localtime.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S') + "_DHO.png" # Filename for PNG
:result_macro_block true                                                   # Expect/Extract a block
:print_result true                                                         # Print the block
:out_file ${imgFileName}                                                   #   into a filename
:cmd :DISPlay:DATA? PNG                                                    # Send the command

Notice how the code parallels the Ruby script. Essentially the mrSCPI script is what was inside the SCPIsession.new call in the Ruby script! Also note the shebang line (#!/usr/bin/env mrSCPI.rb). This is how we make a mrSCPI script executable on the command line – just like a shell script. Note the above script may be found in the example directory named "dho4ksc.mrscpi". Let's take a look at another simple script.

# This little script pulls the identifier string from an instrument, matches
# matches it against a regular expression, and prints the results.

:url @34401a                      # @34401a is an instrument connection "nickname"
:name ids                         # We name the next :cmd that will run
:cmd *IDN?                        # Creates ids variable and stores command result in it
:skip_if ${ids}~34401[aA]         # Checks the result against a regular expression, and skips the next command if it matches
:stop Unknown Device: ${ids}      # This line is skipped if the previous one was true.  Note :stop ends the script.
:print Known Device: 34401A       # The normal script end -- when the regex above matches indicating a recognized device

If the above script may be found in the example directory named "example.mrscpi". From that directory, we can run it like so:

mrSCPI.rb -f example.mrscpi

Note that scripts can also be provided on STDIN. If we continue with the previous example, then here is another way to run the script:

mrSCPI.rb -f STDIN <example.mrscpi

Scripts can be described on the command line with arguments instead of being put in a script file. You simply replace the mrSCPI script commands with arguments of the same name. For small scripts with just a couple commands, this can be very handy. What may be more useful is using command line script arguments with a script file. When we do this it is as if we prepend the script file with the commands given as arguments. One thing to note is that the first :url option will override any subsequent instances – this is also true for :ip_address, :net_port, & :net_protocol as well. For example we could do something like this to connect to an alternate DMM:

mrSCPI.rb --url @dmm2 example.mrscpi

If we set the verbosity to level 2 (with -V 2), we will see a warning printed about the second :url command being ignored.

A common technique is to parameterize things with variables, and then set those variables on the command line. For example, suppose we wish to set our power supply up with the first two channels providing analog voltage rails and the third channel providing a voltage for a microcontroller. We might use a script like the following:

:url @hmc8043
:result_type nil
:delay_after_complete 100
:cmd :OUTPut:MASTer:STATe OFF'
:cmd :INSTrument:NSELect 1; :SOURce:VOLTage:LEVel:IMMediate:AMPLitude ${analog_voltage:10}; :OUTPut:CHANnel:STATe ON
:cmd :INSTrument:NSELect 2; :SOURce:VOLTage:LEVel:IMMediate:AMPLitude ${analog_voltage:10}; :OUTPut:CHANnel:STATe ON
:cmd :INSTrument:NSELect 3; :SOURce:VOLTage:LEVel:IMMediate:AMPLitude ${digital_voltage:5}; :OUTPut:CHANnel:STATe ON

If the above script may be found in the example directory named "power_setup_example.mrscpi". From that directory, we could set the variables and call the script like this:

mrSCPI.rb -D analog_voltage=15 -D digitial_voltage=3.3 power_setup_example.mrscpi

If we wanted the default values, then we could have just used this:

mrSCPI.rb -f power_setup_example.mrscpi

Inside of Emacs in an org-mode code block, we could set these variables via the src header arguments like so:

#+begin_src mrscpi :output verbatum :var analog_voltage="15" digitial_voltage="3.3"

Note that the "new" commands (:url, :ip_address, :net_port, & :net_protocol) can not be parameterized with variables, but they can be overridden.

5.1. mrSCPI Script Syntax

Script syntax is very simple. Each line starts with an mrSCPI command, and each command is a parameter for one of the following classes:

6. SCPIrcFile Class

mrSCPI can use a configuration file to keep track of things like IP addresses, port numbers, protocols, and firewall details. The SCPIrcFile class is the primary interface to the information in the RC file. For the details, see the class documentation. The basics can be illustrated with a couple examples:

6.1. mrNetwork.rb

require 'mrSCPI.rb'


6.2. teAlias.rb

require 'mrSCPI.rb'

if (ARGV.length < 1) || (ARGV.first.match(/^-+[hH]/)) then
  puts("USE: teAlias.rb [format] thingy")
  puts("       thingy is one of netqork@nickname, @nickname, or nickname")
  puts("         network is a network name in the mrSCPIrc file")
  puts("         nickname is a nickname name in the mrSCPIrc file")
  puts("       format is a format string for how to print the result. Default: '%u'")
  puts("         %s -- replaced by the scheme (http, https, soip, etc...)")
  puts("         %h -- replaced by the IP address or DNS name")
  puts("         %p -- replaced by the port number")
  puts("         %u -- replaced by the full URL")
  puts("       Example: telnet `teAlias '%h %p' @foobar`")
  puts("       Example: ssh `teAlias '-p %p %h' @foobar`")
  puts("       Example: chromium-browser `teAlias.rb @foobar`")
  puts("                Works because '%u' is the default format.")
  puts("See SCPIrcFile.lookupURLnickname for full details.")
  exit 0
elsif (ARGV.length == 1) then
elsif (ARGV.length == 2) then
  urlBits = SCPIrcFile.instance.urlParser(ARGV[1])
  print(ARGV[0].gsub('%h', urlBits[:ip_address]).gsub('%s', urlBits[:net_protocol].to_s).gsub('%u', urlBits[:url]).gsub('%p', urlBits[:net_port].to_s))

6.3. Example RC file

Here is an example of what my RC file looks like. I have two network subnets on my bench. One for test equipment (192.168.42.X), and one for computers (192.168.43.X). The only access from outside these networks is to an SSH bastion server on the 192.168.43.X network. So when I'm on my bench I can access the test equipment directly, but otherwise I must access the equipment via SSH tunnels to the bastion server. This configuration file makes it so that I can specify a connection URL like "@awg", and connect to my 33210a AWG regardless of where I'm running the script – i.e. the library figures out what network I'm on, and expands "@awg" into the right thing.

# SCPI Nicknames ##########################################################################################
#........CNAME......nicknames.................Bench Network....................ssh to bench-gate...........
nickname 33210ae    33210a    aawge  aawg  => bench@raw://    ssh@raw://    
nickname 33210aw              aawgw        => bench@   ssh@  
nickname 34401as    34401a    dmms   dmm   => bench@soip://  ssh@soip://   
nickname 34401ap              dmmp         => bench@plgx://   ssh@plgx://   
nickname dg2052e    dg2052    dg2ke  dg2k  => bench@raw://    ssh@raw://    
nickname dg2052w              dg2kw        => bench@     ssh@   
nickname dho4204e   dho4204   dho4ke dho4k => bench@raw://   ssh@raw://    
nickname dho4204w             dho4kw       => bench@    ssh@   
nickname dmm6500e   dmm6500   6500e  6500  => bench@raw://    ssh@raw://    
nickname dmm6500w             6500w        => bench@     ssh@   
nickname hmc8043e   hmc8043   pse    ps    => bench@raw://    ssh@raw://    
nickname hmc8043w             psw          => bench@     ssh@   
nickname sds2504xpe sds2504xp sig2ke sig2k => bench@raw://    ssh@raw://    
nickname sds2504xpw           sig2kw       => bench@     ssh@   
nickname tds2024s             tek2ks tek2k => bench@soip://  ssh@soip://   
nickname tds3052bh  tds3052b  tek3kh tek3k => bench@t3k://      ssh@t3k://    
nickname tds3052bs            tek3ks       => bench@soip://  ssh@soip://   
nickname tds3052bw            tek3kw       => bench@     ssh@   
nickname tds3052bp            tek3kp       => bench@plgx://   ssh@plgx://   
nickname 53131ap    53131a    countp count => bench@plgx://   ssh@plgx://   
nickname router42             router       => bench@    ssh@  
#ickname router43                          => bench@                                
nickname serial               serial       => bench@     ssh@   

# Networks ################################################################################################
network bench   # Bench network for the bench workstation/bastian
network te   # Bench network for instruments (test equipment)
network ssh    # Home office network

# DNS #####################################################################################################
#host  nomad   bench-nomad.bench.mitchr.me     # My laptop on the bench
#host  pi     bench-pi.bench.mitchr.me        # Bench Raspberry Pi
#host  awg-agilent   awg-agilent.bench.mitchr.me     # Agilent 33210A AWG     
#host  gpib-rover   gpib-rover.bench.mitchr.me      # HP 53131A Counter
#host  awg-rigol   awg-rigol.bench.mitchr.me       # Rigol DG2052 AWG       
#host  oscope-rigol  oscope-rigol.bench.mitchr.me    # Rigol DHO4204 HiRes Scope      
#host  dmm-keithley   dmm-keithley.bench.mitchr.me    # Keithley/Tektronix DMM6500 DMM   
#host  ps-rns   ps-rns.bench.mitchr.me          # R&S HMC8043 Power Supply        
#host  oscope-sig   oscope-sig.bench.mitchr.me      # Siglent SDS2504X+ MSO Scope  
#host  oscope-tek   oscope-tek.bench.mitchr.me      # Tektronix TDS3052B DPO Scope            
#host  bench-router4    bench-router4.bench.mitchr.me   # Ubiquiti EdgeRouter Lite
#host  bench-router4    bench-router4.bench.mitchr.me   # Ubiquiti EdgeRouter Lite
#host  serial   serial.bench.mitchr.me          # Lantronix EDS4100 Serial Console     

# Serial Console Ports ####################################################################################
#scon serial     1      RS232    Tunnel 10001   9600    Even      7      2  SOFT   ^Q   ^S   34401A
#scon serial     2      RS232    Tunnel 10002  19200    Even      2      2  HARD   ^Q   ^S   TDS2024
#scon serial     3      RS232    Tunnel 10003  38400    None      8      1  HARD   ^Q   ^S   TDS3052B
#scon serial     4   DISABLED        --    --     --      --     --     --    --   --   --   --

# GPIB/ETH ################################################################################################
#geth  gpib-rover   53131a        # HP 53131A Counter

# Layer 3 IP Router Ports #################################################################################
#L3router      bench-router4      eth0       
#L3router      bench-router4      eth1      
#L3router      bench-router4      eth2 

# Layer 2 Ethernet Switch Ports ###########################################################################
#L2switch      bench-switch42             1      bench-router4
#L2switch      bench-switch42             2      nomad              # Long, sheilded, yellow cable
#L2switch      bench-switch42             3      NC
#L2switch      bench-switch42             4      NC
#L2switch      bench-switch42             5      NC
#L2switch      bench-switch42             6      NC
#L2switch      bench-switch42             7      NC
#L2switch      bench-switch42             8      NC
#L2switch      bench-switch42             9      NC
#L2switch      bench-switch42            10      oscope-rigol       # Red Cable
#L2switch      bench-switch42            11      gpib-rover         # Yellow Cable
#L2switch      bench-switch42            12      dmm-keithley       # Bright blue
#L2switch      bench-switch42            13      oscope-sig         # Grey cable
#L2switch      bench-switch42            14      ps-rns             # Dark Blue
#L2switch      bench-switch42            15      NC                 # Grey
#L2switch      bench-switch42            16      serial

7. Features (current & future)

  • Broad platform support
    • Minimal runtime requirements (base ruby install)
    • Broad OS compatibility (Windows, OSX, Linux, Raspberry Pi OS, etc…)
  • Modern Ruby API for interacting with instruments via SCPI
    • Stateful programming model that compliments the structure of SCPI itself
    • Good control over output (commands, debug, results, etc…)
  • Simple mrSCPI scripting language
    • All the goodness of the Ruby API, but for simple applications
    • Usage that parallels how the Ruby API is used in practice
    • Shebang support for "executable" scripts on UNIX/Linux/Windows MSYS2
    • Support simple programming constructs
      • Conditionals
      • Goto/labels
      • Variables (with variable interpolation)
      • Evaluate ruby one liners and assign results to a variable
      • Stop execution with optional message
      • Print things
    • Emacs org-mode Babel support (execution and header variables)
    • Emacs language mode (highlight mrSCPI script code & identify common syntax errors)
  • Protocol/Communication Features
    • SCPI over raw TCP/IP sockets (which lxi-tool can do very well)
      • Support for instruments that don't close the TCP connection after the client closes for write
    • Serial (RS-232/RS-485) SCPI over Ethernet via a network attached serial console server
      • Correctly control DTE via TCP/IP socket close
      • Console server port mapping is directly supported via instrument nicknames
    • GPIB SCPI over Ethernet with a Prologix lan controller
      • Correctly configures Prologix controllers to provide :raw mode access
      • Preserves Prologix EPROM values – and extends life of device memory
      • Uses :read_timeout_first_byte to set Prologix ++read_tmo_ms
      • Uses :eol to set Prologix ++eos
      • Transparently avoids "Query Unterminated" and "-420" errors by using ++auto 0 and calling ++read
      • Support Prologix specific commands for when to do GPIB reads
    • SCPI over HTTP for TDS3000B series oscilloscopes
      • Works around the lack of raw sockets support by scraping the instrument's web server
  • Flexible timing control
    • Delay after sending a command but before doing a read on the line
    • Timeout to wait for a response to start
    • Timeout to for more data after a successful read
    • Delay before retrying an I/O operation
    • Delay after a command is run and all I/O processed, but before returning a value (or running the next command)
  • Features for Emacs org-mode support
    • Option to always return an exit code of 0 – org throws away output from commands with a non-zero exit code
    • Option to not send things to STDERRorg only captures STDOUT
    • Option for running SCPI scripts on STDIN
    • Support for prepending script options/commands via command line
  • A set of standard post-processing steps for results
    • Standard string processing operations:
      • chop (end of line characters)
      • trim white space
      • Extract last word
      • Extract a 488.2 binary block data payload
      • split into an array
        • Binary data can be unpack'ed into native types
        • Binary return blocks can be split into header and payload
        • Strings can be split on
          • commas
          • semicolons
          • whitespace
          • vertical whitespace
          • regular expressions
          • fixed strings or character sets
          • scan (TODO: future feature)
      • compress sequences of one or more white-space characters into single spaces
      • regex to extract (TODO: future feature)
    • Convert results into numeric Ruby types
      • float or array of floats
      • integer or array of integers
      • boolean or array of booleans (actually tri-state: true, false, or nil)
  • Global Configuration File
    • Keeping track of instrument IP addresses or DNS names
    • Keeping track of port mappings so I can get through the firewall isolating my bench
    • Avoiding the need to type full DNS names or IP addresses
  • A library of regular expression strings for matching 488.2 results and program elements

8. FAQ

8.1. Why don't you use a simple require to load mrSCPI in Ruby scripts?

In my scripts, I normally load mrSCPI by searching my PATH environment variable like this:

require ENV['PATH'].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).map {|x| File.join(x, 'mrSCPI.rb')}.find {|x| FileTest.exist?(x)}

Why? I normally put mrSCPI on my path, but I don't want to contaminate my Ruby LOAD_PATH by including a generic bin directory. This is just a personal preference in the way I set up my operating environment. I expect most people will just do a require_relative or require to load mrSCPI.

8.2. Where can I find more examples?

I have another repository for scripts related to test equipment that contains several mrSCPI scripts.